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Dato Ganesh Kalimuthu, the passionate founder of MGE Group, established this business. He has taken the initiative in expanding the firm to the present day, fuelled by his belief in the power of hard work, the determination to ultimately take on new challenges and establish a competitive advantage.


Dato Ganesh Kalimuthu was born in Penang, Malaysia, where he was educated and graduated from SMK Hamid Khan. Dato Ganesh Kalimuthu demonstrated tremendous leadership qualities towards his subordinates throughout his years in industry, which served as a core of success. Dato Ganesh's wide range of businesses has provided the organisation with a solid and comprehensive social network foundation. Dato Ganesh, who has lived in Malaysia for many years, is well-versed in the country's economic growth and has a clear understanding of the situation there. His unique insight has helped the Group grow rapidly.


After diversifying in various industries, Dato Ganesh's capitalised on his cross-border social network, bringing in many international clients and partners of high potential, including US-affiliated corporations. This helps plan and coordinate the Group’s long-term development plan. We have confidence in further developing and sustaining the Group’s growth.


Dato Ganesh has been seeking development opportunities in emerging markets pro actively. In 2013, Dato Ganesh supported the “Go Green” campaign, initiated by Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Dato Ganesh intends to start from the “root, continue the excellent results obtained by the group globally, and lead the Group to reach new heights and achieve more breakthroughs.


Holding the belief “take from society, give back to society”, Dato Ganesh is dedicated to helping people in need.Over the years, he has led the Group to participate in various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects, including contributing towards settling the nation’s debt through the fund raising campaign “ Tabung Harapan Malaysia “. Dato Ganesh remains committed to improving the socio-economic future of communities around him, regardless of race and religion.



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